Well, last week it took us three days to get the tongue & groove (T&G) up on 1 half of the roof. We had Stewart & Taylor up on the roof laying T&G and nailing it in place. We had our friend John in the scissor lift passing them the boards and tools, and Rachel on the ground staining the T&G and passing the boards to John in the lift. With 4 of us, it took 3 days to get it all done. This week there were only 3 and they got it done in a day & a half! Pretty impressive. They figured it out and got some rhythm going...
(Check out our cathedral ceilings. Great acoustics in there!)
(A picture of the rafters & T&G cut and edged)
Once all the T&G was up, we spent some time making sure the roof was square, and marking the edges. Once all was square and marked, we cut the edges around the whole roof. We are doing what is called a "Turkey Tail," on the front and back of the roof.
(Nice clean edges. It's got a nice cottage feel)
Once all the edges were cut, we began the process of laying 15lb. felt paper over the T&G.
This will help to protect the T&G from the rain, but will also keep our spray-foam insulation from seeping through as well.
(Taylor in an awkward upside down position hanging from a rope on a 10/12 roof)
(Stewart & Taylor stapling the felt to the T&G)
(A picture of the garage from the back side)
(Not bad for a days work: Nice clean edges and felt in place)