Saturday, July 18, 2009

Chugging Along!

We have been chipping away over the past two weeks, moving forward with great strides! Once Stewart had all the rafters in place, he notched them out and got them all level. Then the guys began drilling holes and pounding rebar in both ends of each rafter, at the ridge pole and the top wall log.

(Good-bye Forklift! It's been real.)

While the guys were finishing up the rafters, Rachel was staining every single piece of Tongue & Groove pine to go over the rafters. This will be our ceiling. We went with Golden Pecan.

Then, it was on to the bird blocks, which fit in between the rafters. Stewart, Taylor, & Adam took care of that.

(Stewart & Adam fitting the bird blocks)

Once the bird blocks were in place, Stew & Taylor got geared up to start putting up the tongue & groove (T&G). Taylor is a great climber, so he got all of the webbing set up and hooked in at the Ridge Pole. This is a very important step because we have a 10/12 roof (that's a pretty steep pitch).

(Day 2 of putting up T&G, starting to get a rhythm going)

(Roof crew shot: Stew, John, Taylor)

(Photo-shoot with the "Man-scouts")

(It may not look that steep, but with a 10/12 pitch, you slide right off that thing without being hooked in)

(Rachel staining T&G, and passing up boards to the guys)

(Day 3 putting up T&G. We had a hard rain that day, so the logs have a beautiful color to them!)

Day 3 we finished the T&G for the first side!! Yeah! We figured out too that you can hide the seams of the boards on the rafters, which looks better and actually makes the roof stronger too. One more reason we are glad we are doing the garage first...

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